Book Review: Diary of a Fat Girl

I recently read this novel by Moira Mugweni and it 100% changed my life. Diary of a Fat Girl was beautifully written and as though it was written through her own experiences. 

Bernie always felt that she was unloveable, less than others and not beautiful simply because she was fat. After finishing high school she was glad to see the back of the people who made her most miserable, except when she decided it was time to lose weight Warren decided he was the one to help her do it. Throughout the summer Bernie had managed to gain more than she could ever have imagined and eventually she gained the confidence to be herself, something she never thought she could do. 

This book has changed my whole outlook on weight, love and life. It’s a beautiful book and one that I feel I could read forever. It’s in the form of a diary, written by Bernie who describes the summer of a lifetime and her mission to gain a body that she was comfortable with but in order to do that had to take a look at her past. Bernie actually reminds me of myself and I found this book so motivating and encouraging. It’s a gorgeous novel and I can’t wait for the sequel of The Burn Diaries, called Diary of a Girl. 

Social media: 

Twitter: _bbbethan 

Instagram: _bbbbethan 

With love, Beth x 

My Actual Morning Routine 

Nobody likes mornings and if you do well we just can’t be friends. I will admit that I’m normally awake before 9am on my days off from uni because I like to stick to a sleeping pattern for the days that I am actually busy doing things (I know i’m lame). However, I see all these Bloggers and Youtuber’s posting about their morning routine and none of them seem realistic at all and it’s about time we started showing people what an actual morning routine really is like. So let’s get straight into it! 


On a day when I have to be up for a 9am or early start in uni, I generally wake up about half an hour before I’m due to be there. Get myself in a total fluster because I’m probably going to be late and I’m one of those people that if i’m late I simply won’t go. I don’t exactly help myself by waking up half an hour before I’m due to be there but I just like to sleep as long as I can. Generally I don’t put any makeup on, I’ll wash my face and brush my teeth and sometimes because I’m human I may even forget to do that. I’ll brush my hair and throw it in a messy bun and dress in jeans, hoodie and converse ready for a lecture/seminar. My days are generally quite fast so once I finish with my time on campus I’ll head home and do my makeup, hair and start my day properly after it.

I don’t understand how people can sit down for like half an hour of their day to drink 4 different types of drinks and a proper meal and a full work out before spending an hour getting ready, that’s not realistic at all. I’m lucky enough to grab a piece of fruit and get out the door. I generally shower at night so I don’t have to get up early in the morning but if I didn’t do it the night before I’ll go home after my lecture and do it then. 


On a day that I’m free like a weekend when I don’t have any specific plans or have to be up early I’ll start my day off by waking up whenever I fancy and have a scroll through my social media to catch up with my messages and the events throughout the night. Shortly after I’ll head to the bathroom, brush my teeth and wash my face and then head to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. After this depending on my mood and what I plan on doing that I’ll day i’ll either shower to wake myself up or have a nice relaxing bath and after this spend an hour or so getting myself ready for the day, so hair, makeup and dress myself. I’ll probably take stops between these times to watch a T.V show or read some of my book but because these days as so free I don’t mind taking that little extra longer with my breakfast or time to read a bit of a book. After I’ve done these things is usually when I decide what I want to do with my day, they’re usually quite chilled and relaxed. 

I really like to give myself this time on my day off to unwind and feel a bit more relaxed from any uni work or stress that may be building up. As I struggle with panic attacks and overloading myself with stress I find it really important that a few times a week I give myself some me time and have a break. 

As much as I would like to be one of those people who get out of bed at 6am, go to the gym and have their life together. I am not. I don’t mind if I look a little messy for a 9am but if I know I have a really important meeting to go to I will make that little extra effort and get up slightly earlier to make myself presentable. Everybody has these expectations that they feel that they have to meet and for me, getting out of bed hours in advance before my 9am lecture is not something I feel will benefit me at all. Nobody cares if I walk into my lecture with unbrushed teeth and hair because it’s likely there are plenty of us doing the same. 

Social media: 

Twitter: _bbbethan

Instagram: _bbbbethan

With love, Beth x 

My Curves

I have never been a small, skinny girl. Ever since puberty began I gained weight and my body shaped formed into curves, big booty and big boobs and over time I learnt that there isn’t anything wrong with that. I spent all of my adolescent years and even now at 21 struggling with body confidence, being ashamed of the body I have and feeling that I couldn’t be proud of the body I was given because it isn’t what society deems beautiful. But I am beautiful. I may not be skinny but my curves are a part of me and I feel so damn sexy in them. It’s baffling how many girls feel that they aren’t sexy because they aren’t a specific size.

In the UK the average woman is a size 14-16. In my wardrobe my clothes vary from size 10, 12, 14 and I even own a size 16 dress. So what am I? above average? Below average? or average? Does my size of clothes determine whether I am healthy? Does my body shape make any difference to anybody other than myself?

In the summer of 2015 I lost almost 2 stone in weight and I didn’t feel any healthier than before. I went from weighing 13’6 stone to 11’10 and although I knew I looked good. I didn’t feel good. I was afraid to eat in case I gained weight, I was so happy every time the numbers stopped on the scale. I wasn’t enjoying my food. Losing weight took over my life and nothing would stop me. Nothing made me happy like losing weight. Then I met Matt. Matt and I met in September 2015 just after I lost the weight. Right from the start he made me so happy, loved me for my curves and my edges. His love helped me to start eating properly again and enjoy my food. It wasn’t easy but I became happy again, remembered what I loved about my body. My body loves me. 

The biggest problem for me is feeling comfortable in clothes and I know how challenging it is to find outfits that make you look and feel beautiful. Here are a few outfits that I like and flatter y curves. Don’t fear them, love them. 

This bodycon dress makes me feel so comfortable and I think it’s really flattering on me. I like that it doesn’t make me look massive (or so I think). I even like that it does place emphasis on curves. That evening I felt so good and comfortable!

I freaking love skirts. I love showing off my legs and although I don’t always feel comfortable doing so. I know that I should mainly for my self esteem. This photo was taken on a holiday in Spain last year and I pretty much lived in skirts and vest tops and I loved every minute of it.

This photo was taken after I had lost weight and now I look at it, I don’t look much smaller thank am now. I still love this dress and how basic it is. 

In fact, I think in all of these photos I look different. My body changes all the time and I’m thankful to now understand and truly believe that weight does not determine your worth, whether you’re more valued and most definitely not whether you’re loved. 

Be kind to yourself, love your body and remember that you’re not just your weight. 

Twitter: _bbbethan

Instagram: _bbbbethan 

With love, Beth x 

Book Review: Everything Everything

I recently saw a trailer for the soon to be released movie,  Everything Everything. I instantly googled whether it was a book as the story looking fantastic and to my luck, it was. Here is my review on the novel Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon. 

Maddy has lived her whole life in isolation due to an illness that makes her allergic to the world. Having spent her life living in the same house  she had seen several families living in the house next door and never cared to consider taking an interest. However when Olly moved in she couldn’t help her curiousity about the boy next door. 

Before I finally tell you my thoughts on this book, I’ll admit that the trailer made me more excited than I should have been. The book was well written, enjoyable and full of life. It can’t say I could ever imagine it happening (although probably does and has to someone) but it was definitely interesting to read. The relationship between Maddy and Olly didn’t excite me at all and I’m disappointed with this. I was interested in the story on her illness which I wish was written more about. 

Let me know what you thought of this book! 

Twitter: _bbbethan 

Instagram: _bbbbethan

With love, Beth x 

The Body Shop Seaweed Exfoliant

During Christmas I purchased The Body Shop Seaweed Pore-Cleansing Exfoliant as I was looking for new skincare. I think The Body Shop do fantastic skincare products and they are a go to brand for me. Their products are super affordable and really lovely to work with and since I tried their cleansing balm I was excited to try more of their different ranges.

The seaweed range is ideal for combination to oily skin, which is pretty much what my skin is. Certain days I can be completely oil free or I’ll look like a grease ball, there is no inbetween. I’ve used the seaweed moisturiser and loved it, it definitely helped to combat the oiliness in my skin so I had high hopes for this exfoliant. I’ve been using this product for over two months now around once a week for a good scrubin’ and I can definitely see benefits.

It really helped to reduce the oiliness in my t-zone which was a high plus for me. I use it once a week and doing this has helped my makeup to sit better and also my skin feels cleaner and a healthier condition. However, as good as it feels and how well it helps to make my skin look cleaner, it does no totally unclog pores which is what I wanted it for. I was looking for a product that would help to unclog and minimise my pores but I don’t feel like it does it enough for me. This is probably because I do have quite a lot of pores around my nose and chin area. For those who don’t have as much troubling skin as I do, I am sure this is ideal for you. If you’re interested take a look here to buy.

If you have any recommendations for skin care, let me know! Also be sure to take a look at my social media:

Twitter: _bbbethan

Instagram: _bbbbethan

Use my discount code bethdavies20 for 20% off at

With love, B x

Growing Up With Brothers

I could never imagine myself being an only child. Admittedly, having been raised as an only girl with two older brothers I definitely wished as a child that I was an only child. Now as an adult I’ve realised that being raised with two older brothers impacted my life incredibly and without them I wouldn’t be where I am today. Regardless of anything we go through, my siblings are 100% the people who have given me the most motivation to be a better me and they influence everything I do. I have two older brothers, Kyle and Daniel. Growing up is difficult for anybody, however I found growing up with two brothers to be so bloody difficult. So today, I thought I would share with you guys how having two older brothers shaped me into the person I am today. 

As I said before, I have two brothers who I love dearly but I am definitely closer to Daniel than Kyle. That doesn’t mean I love them any different or have a favourite (that’s a lie, it’s Daniel) but they both equally motivate me and have been the most influential people to shape who I am and want to be as an adult. Let’s start with Kyle, my oldest brother. Kyle and I have an 8 year age difference and I do this that this age gap has been the biggest issue  within our relationship. Daniel and I are only 2 years apart and are closer now as adults than we ever have been before. 

Generally all of us are quite introverted and like to have our own space so we rarely spend time together and we definitely never ever spend time together just the three of us. It’s awkward, uncomfortable and I don’t wish it on anybody. Considering we are family it still shocks me that we don’t really have any thing in common with each other. I mean, Daniel and Kyle do but I definitely don’t with Kyle and minimal with Daniel. As a child this was really hard for me because it meant that I spend almost all my time alone and with nobody to hand out with and enjoy the same interests. During my childhood I was definitely more extroverted and thrived for the comfort and conversation from others so I spent a lot of time feeling lonely. As awful as this was for me as a child it helped me so much as an adult as I can now work better independently as well as in groups and has played a huge role in working with groups and interacting better. It has always allowed me to appreciate the alone time I do get and never take for granted being able to do things that I enjoy without being interrupted. I very rarely feel lonely as an adult and I’m pretty sure it’s because I got so used to it as a child it became the norm for me which I actually love now. 

The biggest issue I had in my life was that I lacked femininity. I have my mum but she doesn’t wear makeup and doesn’t enjoy anything to do with fashion, books or anything I’m interested in. Which may seem like a surprise to most since I was the only girl and my mum would have a lot of time for me. However, it’s not the case at all. I taught myself how to use makeup using YouTube and used the internet, magazines and TV for fashion inspriration. I learned what I know from the media. I think having a closer bond with my mum would have made a huge impact on my friendships with other girls as I’d be able to understand most about what they enjoyed from an earlier age. 

My parents always expected me to act the same way as my brothers and so often I was asked “why aren’t you more like your brothers?”. This infuriated me and made me so angry every single time I heard it. My parents never accepted that not only was I younger than my brothers but also a differen gender with different interests and ideas. Having heard this for so long during my teenage years I rebelled a lot and decided to go things I knew my brothers wouldn’t do because it would disappoint my parents and I didn’t care. To me, the more I wasn’t like my brothers the better and I enjoyed it that way as much as I do as an adult. 

Regardless of these issues I loved my childhood and thoroughly enjoyed having wrestling fights and tickling matches and oversized tshirts to wear. My parents worked hard to give us the best that they could and I’ll be eternally grateful for the life they gave me an my brothers. 
Social media:

twitter: _bbbethan

Instagram: _bbbbethan 

With love, Beth x 

BirchBox Unboxing // April 2017 

My April BirchBox arrived and there is some real good products that I’m looking forward to trying. Firstly, I’ll just let you guys know that this will be my final BirchBox until October! I’m heading away for the summer and won’t have no use for these as they won’t even be delivered to me or will I have time to post about it.

So, these will probably… possibly continue in October! For now though, lets jump straight into this months box. 

We got to choose a product in this months box and for me I picked the Manna Kadar Cosmetics High Definition Powder. This retails at £27 full sized and this month we all received it as a full sized product! Which is incredible. I’ve been looking for a new powder for a while now and this powder is supposed to help you look less dewy and your makeup last a little longer! After swatching it I feel that it’s so soft and velvety, it’ll probably glide straight onto the skin. 

The second full sized product that I received was the Nip+Fab Colour Correcting Concealer in Yellow. This retails at £8.85. I think these two products alone are fantastic for the price of the BirchBox in general. I do love to colour correct using the green shade and I’ve never tried the yellow before. Apparently, yellow is used to create a more highlighted look which will be perfect for the spring/summer time! 

Next is the Polaar IcePure Gentle Scrub with Arctic Cotton. This retails at £23.50 full sized which is rather expensive, however it says to have Arctic cotton in it and this just sounds very luxurious and exciting. Apparently, Arctic cotton is super moisturising which means that the product will exfoliate and smooth out the skin.. looovely! 

I also received the Amika The Shield Style Extending Spray, retailing at £20 for a full sized product. This is supposed to be used by spraying it onto damp or dry hair before applying heat, i.e hair dryer/straightening. I do find that my hair does become very damaged if I don’t use a heat protector so I’m sure this will come in very handy. 

Finally, the last product I received was the Boija Paris Creme Moana in Fleur de Tiare, which retails at £15.90 full sized. This is supposed to be used by massaging it into dry skin. It’s pretty much a body lotion that helps with dryness and generally making your skin look and feel healthier. I don’t ever go out of my way and buy things like this but I’ll be sure to put it to the test to see whether it’s actually any use. 

There we have it! My April BirchBox. I really liked this month’s, it’s such a shame I’m missing them for the next few months. They’re like a little gift to myself. 

Check out my social media: 

Twitter: _bbbethan 

Instagram: _bbbbethan 

With love, Beth x 

10 Difficulties of Being a Student

The general stereotypes that students have aren’t always necessarily true. A popular stereotype that I have come across in university is that, being a student is an easy way to avoid employment. I have to say that this one really frustrates me because I have such a strong work ethic and I’m always prepared for new employment when it comes my way, so hearing comments like this grinds my bones. A few other stereotypes are that students are lazy, we don’t earn our way through life and best of all one that I received a lot from people that I know, people who go to university are stuck up and snobby. Student life is a lot harder than people understand and it is especially difficult if you move away from home like I did. I’m so grateful for the experience I’ve had from moving away from home and I am forever thankful that I was able to move away from home because it encouraged me to become more an adult. However, it’s not easy to do and now my undergraduate degree is coming to an end, it’s saddening to see such a wonderful time in my life has gone by so fast. I thought I would share with you guys some of my difficulties that I’ve faced over the three years as a student in Abersytwyth. 

1- Something I never done before moving away from home was learn how to cook and at 18 I had minimal basic knowledge. Having to learn how to cook was probably the most challenging yet rewarding thing to do. It’s a known fact that going to university helps you to grow into an adult and in my experience, this means learning how to actually cook healthy and nutritious meals. In my first year I was always eating out or having microwave meals and I tell you, doing this is not healthy and I definitely gained at least 3 stone. If not more. So when I reached the summer of my first year I knew that I needed to change my habits and by doing this I managed to lose almost 2 stone in weight and become more confident in the kitchen. Now a third year I’m always making meals from scratch and freezing them for a later date, this is not only healthy but a money saver. 

2- Living away from home is hard, really bloody hard. Aberystwyth is around 2.5 hours away from my hometown and not having my closest friends and family around when I need them the most is so hard. It’s not as if my mother is around the corner to comfort me when I’m feeling unwell or sad or to call my best friends for a heavy night out to celebrate high assignment grades or new jobs. However, over my time in university I’ve formed lifelong friendships with people who I now know as my family. They’re the people I go to when I need comforting and support, something I learned I had to do since I could no longer rely on people from home like I used to. My brother Daniel and I are incredibly close and he is definitely someone I miss the most about my hometown. Although technology is a wonderful thing of the 21st century and I’m so grateful to have him on the end of the phone for a chat when I need him. 

3- Being a student is expensive and although I do have a student loan, it doesn’t last forever. Sometimes I do wish I had gone to a university in a city as it may have been easier to get myself a part time job as in Aber they don’t come around very often. You don’t realise how expensive it really is to live alone, pay rent etc but that’s why I think university is such a good experience as you learn to appreciate your money more and have an opportunity to understand more about how to budget your finances to last you the full term. I’m also a sucker for new makeup releases and can never resist.. always so bloody poor.  

4- The stresses of doing actual academic work is so overwhelming that it literally messes with your mental health. You become so overwhelmed with having so such reading, planning and writing to do that it can either go two ways 1. overwhelmed with everything you don’t stop doing work for days and before you know it you’ve been awake for 3 days straight. 2. You don’t know where to start with your pile of work so you just leave it, take a nap and procrastinate for a few hours/days/weeks and hope things get better. In my case it’s usually the second after having an extreme panic attack and total meltdown. 

5- Sleeping become non-existent, especially in your first year when you’re so full of excitement about adulthood and living away from home. Eventually when the summer comes you organise your sleeping pattern better and go to bed at normal times of the day until September appears again and you’re spending your day sleeping and your night wondering how you got back to the same situation all over again. 

6- Maintaining a balance in your life is probably the worst thing about being a student. You literally have so much to do that you don’t even know where to start so you don’t do anything at all. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve totally given up, locked my bedroom door and started to binge watch a new T.V series and once the show is over I’ll make my way back into reality to do it all over again. I’ve watched some bloody good T.V shows in my three years as a student though.

Image result for balancing a student life

7- At the beginning of my degree I was dead set that I would become a primary school teacher. That’s all I ever wanted to be since Year 7. Until my second year of uni and I hated everything to do with literacy and general primary school teaching so the time came when I knew I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. My course bored me, the modules were all education based and I literally never turned up to any lectures or seminars.  My future scared me and I wanted nothing to do with making plans so I ignored it. At 19 I really didn’t want to make any decisions on what career path I would take, instead I probably ordered myself a take away and watched High School Musical for the 1000th time in hopes that someone would make the decision for me. They didn’t but I still love High School Musical. 

8- Making friends isn’t easy. You have to remember that your friends at home you most likely met in primary school or high school, meaning that 5 days a week you were forced to be their friends. So when you go to university and you meet new people some people excel in this area and others have a melt down and don’t know where to start. For some they stick to their flatmates and others join a sport/society and meet friends for life. It’s not like the films when you meet your best friend in the welcome talk, you actually have to leave your bed to meet people. 

9- When you move into halls you’ll be living with total strangers. People who all have different ways of living, some are messy and others are really organise. You need to create a balance with the new people in your life as they’ll be around you for a full year with no control. In your second and third year you can finally choose your own flatmates and it’s fun but you’re still wondering why you’re the only person to be buying toilet roll and why nobody else mops the floor but it’s easier. A whole lot easier because they’re your friend and you picked them. 

10- Being unwell isn’t fun but being unwell when your mother isn’t around to love you and rub your head whilst you sleep is literally the worst thing in the world. Whether it’s a cold or a major illness, you always need your mum to give you a bit of TLC and when she isn’t there you feel more sorry for yourself than you probably should. For me, I was diagnosed with kidney stones at the end of my second year and I was fortunate enough to only be without my mum for a few weeks but during those times I genuinely thought I would never be comforted or loved by a mother again. Admittedly, my boyfriend was fantastic at it but it wasn’t quite the same. 

Let me know what your difficulties are/were as a student.Check out my social media too: 

Instagram: _bbbbethan

Twitter: _bbbethan 

Use my discount code bethdavies20 for 20% off at 

With love, B x 

Rimmel Fix and Prime Spray

I have been an all time lover of the Urban Decay All-Nighter Setting Spray. Together we are in a long term committed relationship and I’ve been loving it for a very long time. However, I recently come across the Rimmel Insta Fix & Go Setting Spray which I got from Superdrug for £6.99 and I feel like I’ve been having a secret but very happy affair with it and it may continue to go on for a very long time. 

This product is a primer and setting spray which I love. I always like to apply my Maybelline Baby Primer and allow that to sink in and then spray the Rimmel Fix and Spray evenly across my face. I find that the best technique is to apply it in a cross shape in the air and let it settle onto the skin and wait for it to dry. It applies very quickly and it doesn’t make me look wet at all or overly dewy either. It really helps my makeup last a lot longer too. It doesn’t have any scent either which makes me happy since I’m not a huge fan of overly scented products at all. 

I will admit, it doesn’t beat the Urban Decay setting spray but I do think it’s a brilliant and affordable alternative in the drugstore. It’s definitely ideal for beginners and would be an excellent product for those on a budget. The biggest issue that I have with this is the spriz on the botle top, I find that it doesn’t spray enough and I have to spend a fair while ensuring that it’s applied to the whole of my face. Admittedly,  it does work better with the crossing technique but a better spritz would definitely make this the perfect product. 

Let me know whether you agree in the comments and remember to follow me on social media: 

Twitter: _bbbethan 

Instagram: _bbbbethan 

Use my discount code: 

bethdavies20 for 20% off at

bethandavies20 for 20% off at (This expires 1st March 2017). 

With love, Beth x