Favourite Things About Christmas

Hey, Guys!

Christmas is near and I’ve just finished university for 3 whole weeks, yippee! As a little treat to you guys, for this full week you’ll be getting a new post everyday until Christmas Eve. Be sure to check back here everyday at 1pm for a new blog post. Merry Christmas! 

As you know by now I love Christmas and for my family it’s a busy time of year but it’s the best. There is nothing better than spending the festive period with your loved ones to celebrate. We make such a huge effort at Christmas time and my parents home looks like Santa’s grotto for around 6 weeks (yep, i’m serious it’s that long), the kids love it and I love having the chance to relax and spend time with my friends and family. I thought I’d let you guys know what my favourite things are about Christmas! 

#1 – From around November 1st the Christmas Spirit is in full speed and everybody is preparing for Christmas. I love the upcoming weeks to Christmas when everybody spends their weekends shopping, taking the kids to visit Santa and his reindeer and visiting Winter Wonderland. It’s such a great time and I really enjoy the build up to Christmas. It’s so lovely to walk down the high street and hear people singing Christmas Carols and dancing around the supermarket to Wham!. Nothing is better than seeing my Niece become a big ball of excitement because Santa will be here soon. My Nephew, Ethan is almost 1 year old and this is his first Christmas, I can’t wait to see his little face on Christmas either. 

#2- Christmas films are a brilliant way to get you in the Christmas spirit. I love turning on the TV with a cup of hot chocolate and curl up with a good Christmas film. It’s so relaxing and peaceful to chill out, especially after busy day, with a film and it’s even better to do with your loved ones. Every Christmas eve, my parents, brother and I always like to sit down and watch a film together before the business of Christmas begins. 

#3- My favourite thing is giving people gifts that I know they’ll love and appreciate. I like to buy gifts for my friends and family that I know they’ll love and be so grateful for. I’m not one of those people that needs to receive a present when I’ve given one to someone, I just love giving people that little something to let them know I’m so grateful to have them in my life and appreciate the things they have done to help me through the year.

There you have it, my favourite things about Christmas. What are yours? let me know in the comments. 

I’m always on social media, check them out:

Twitter: _bbbethan

Instagram: _bbbbethan

With love, B x

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